Jack Lee Cheng-Xuan (Class of 2018) – DEDICATION MESSAGE

I am not a believer in the term ‘I am a self-made man/woman’, as one cannot completely reach success purely through his or her own efforts. The word success itself is also questionable. But when I look back to all those who have helped me to take me to where I am, especially in GIS; the list reaches longer the more I think about it. These are some of the people to whom I never really had the chance to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and think of from time and time again.

Ms Berney was my very first tutor who initiated the Reach Out Programme. Energetic and fun, her enthusiasm motivated our tutor group and helped us project throughout and into the secondary school. The Reach Out Programme opened up my world and helped me realise and develop my moral compass which will lead me on throughout life and constantly provides me the motivation to persevere, despite being challenged by the greatest of obstacles. Ms Berney created these opportunities for hundreds of students both in and outside GIS, and has helped developed my enthusiasm in extracurriculars outside academia.

The two celebrities of the school Ms Mangin and Ms Lopez granted me organisation skills and work habits by imposing ambitious deadlines and high standards. At the age of 12 I really did not look forward to their classes as I often struggled in mathematics and never really understood and experienced the concept of ‘work’. Their passionate teaching has engraved essential work ethics which have helped me through my GCSEs and A-levels across all subjects and will continue to carry on with me into higher education. Words fail to describe their lasting impact on the school and generations of students. So many students, myself included are so grateful for their support and love.

The school guards Encik Kamaruddin and Puan Hasnah the two longest standing guards at GIS, though admittedly I don’t know most of the names of those who have come and gone over the years, always had a friendly smile on their faces every morning, well at least the ones whom I were familiar with.

All these people have somehow shaped my life and those around me. Despite being half a world away from friends and family, the GIS community has continued to have a daily impact in my everyday life, something which I find comforting.
