Pursuing Degree in Primary School Education at Taylor’s University
“When the unfortunate cannot find help, those who are blessed must go to them”
– Master Cheng Yen
When I first did Reach Out teaching for Discovery Week in Year 7, it would be fair to say that I wasn’t that engaged or interested. However, I continued to do Reach Out in Year 8 (as a CCA) and in both Year 9 & 10 I was involved in the Reach Out teaching programme for Discovery Week. Over the years, I definitely became more interested and emotionally invested in teaching and helping refugees. Seeing the refugee children’s gratitude and happiness as a result of these community service projects really was unforgettable, and helped me develop a love for community service. At university, these experiences helped give me the motivation and confidence to connect and find friendships with members of Taiwanese Buddhist NGO Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association (Tzu Ching), who I’m so blessed to know.
On a totally different note, I am also grateful to GIS encouraging recycling and promoting it within the school community! I didn’t think that the topic of recycling would come in handy in university life, but it was useful for one of my group projects, where we had to make a positive impact to our immediate community – so we choose a recycling project. Learning about the importance of recycling, and being able to personally take an active role in a project which benefits future generations, has been very rewarding in my life to date.
Finally, I would like to thank GIS for helping build my confidence – having to do lots of surveys for Geography definitely helped with this!