We have had many amazing teachers who have been inspiring GIS students since the school opened in 1951; all of them have played an important role in our school’s development. To recognise their special contributions to GIS and their impact on our community, we have introduced a special spotlight series for our Teaching Alumni.
This time, we are fortunate to have ex-GIS teacher Ryan Ball, share his experiences and memorable moments at GIS with us.
Ryan, when did you start to work at GIS, and which subjects did you teach?
I joined GIS in 2014 as Head of Design & Technology, and spent my time upstairs in the Arts Block teaching D&T!
Tell us something about yourself and what are you doing now?
I now live in Oxfordshire in the UK with my family. My passion for D&T continues and I am now in a fantastic role as Director of Education for the Design & Technology Association in the UK. We are an educational charity and the subject association for D&T. With over 33,000 members we have an important job of promoting the subject and ensuring its growth. I help schools with their D&T departments, deliver training and get to attend exciting events, like political party conferences 😉
In my spare time I am also a children’s book illustrator – which I love! I did my MA in illustration when I was at GIS and I have now worked on over 30 books including Christmas books for Target stores in the USA and one for comedian Dara O’ Briain!
Are you still in touch with any former GIS teachers or students?
Yes. I recently visited Miss Sharma in Monaco, which was fab! Every now and then, I speak with Mr. Padgett, Miss Joly, and obviously stay in touch with my great old D&T team of Mr. Gavin, Mr. Fairweather, Miss James and Mr. Allen! I have connected with a few of my old students on LinkedIn and seeing what they are doing now is brilliant. They all seem really happy and are doing some great things – mainly because of Design and Technology, obviously!
What are your memories of teaching and learning at GIS?
Fond. I loved GIS and it was by far the best school I have ever worked at – both in terms of opportunities, attitudes and happiness. It was always a fun place to be and I have stacks of great memories. Everyone works very hard and there is a real collaborative approach and one built on trust.
Please share some of your favourite memories from your time at GIS.
I loved Discovery week and was lucky enough to help install 2 solar panel water pumps in Belum which made a real difference to the people there by providing access to running clean water. I was also proud to have students win awards for the highest D&T mark in Malaysia, Asia and the world in 3 consecutive years. Oh yeah, F1 in Schools was pretty cool too!
The most important by far though was one of our very low-tech solutions in the technology department where we had to turn on our office light with a stick as we couldn’t reach it, and the lack of a door-stop, so we used a metre ruler to prop it open. Every time a visitor came in and pushed the door open more, the ruler would fall on their head. Small things amuse small minds so they say!
Do you have any advice to share with our GIS community and current students?
Live life. Take every opportunity you can. Life is short, so live it.
A huge ‘Thank You’ to Alumni teacher Ryan Ball, our former Head of GIS Design and Technology, for sharing his fond memories of GIS. It has been great to reconnect with you and we wish you all the best in your ongoing D&T and illustration endeavours.
If you would like to feature as part of our ‘Alumni Teacher Spotlights’, just get in touch with us at alumni@gardenschool.edu.my. Because every story matters! Alternately, connect with us on social media via Facebook and LinkedIn or read more inspiring articles via our Global Alumni Website. If you haven’t become a registered member yet, please do so via this link.