Class of 1982 Zoom Online Alumni Reunion!

At GIS, we always welcome and encourage events organised by our former students and Alumni reunions are definitely a favorite of ours. The Alumni members from Class of 1982 recently had their Alumni Reunion via Zoom Meeting on Friday 15th, May 2020.  The event gathered 1982 Alumni, GIS Principal Mr Robert Stitch, former and current teachers,. This reunion sparked a sense of nostalgia for everyone who attended. It was a great evening where everyone enjoyed seeing their teachers, catching up with each other and sharing updates about their ‘Life after GIS’. Apart from bringing back the memories, the GIS Alumni Office has prepared a special quiz for the attendees entailing the 80’s trend and also about the school. We’d like to thank everyone who joined the  reunion zoom session; your presence has made the evening a success. Special shout out to all the former teachers who joined along and made it such a special event!

Not everyone is lucky enough to come back to school to have the actual reunion especially during the current situation. We have the best options available now via online where we can have everyone join the reunion regardless which countries they reside in. A wonderful opportunity to reunite everyone in a single screen. One of the powerful advantages of a virtual reunion, or this kind of a virtual event, is that you can re-experience it over time. Some of the benefits of doing online reunions will be:

  • Interacting regardless of not being in the same area.
  • Meeting at different times using online tools.
  • Preserving the experience for the future.

We are looking forward to having more online reunions soon and some are even celebrating their class anniversaries via this virtual reunion. If you are thinking of meeting your friends, former teachers and would like to know the latest news at GIS, please get in touch with us at or Connect with our Alumni via Facebook or via the Global Alumni Website 
