Working in Dubai as a Real Estate Broker. Majored in Real Estate, Royal Agricultural University in UK.
Describe your dream life.
So many of the countries I have visited and/or lived in have struck me in terms of the number of emaciated and injured cats and dogs – I would love to have my own global hotel chain with inbuilt cat and dog rescue centres – so that hotel guests can adopt the animals and take them with them when they leave to their home countries (all vets bills and flights paid by me!!!)
If you were a student again, what is the one change that you would make?
I wish I had spent time in the gym to complement all my sporting activities – in order to improve fitness and overall performance; this would have helped out both me and the team as a whole!
Share with us an amusing childhood story of yours.
I really enjoyed my first day of school and I was excited to tell my mum all about it when the day was over… However – my mother fell asleep and forgot to pick me up for an hour or so after school had ended. So the following morning, I asked her whether she would be picking me up at the same time as all the other mummies today ?
What was your favourite subject in school?
Sociology – understanding different perspectives on how and why society acts as it does.