Class of 2015 Graduation

On the evening of 19 June 2015, the Year 13 students of GIS attended a ceremony that marks the first of many milestones of their achievements. It was an event that was decked with grandeur – chairs in golden covers, tables with beautiful posies and the hall was cool and cozily lit.

The evening began with the opening music by our very own GIS Four Corners Community Jazz Ensemble followed by a very warm welcome from a very able emcee – Ms. Kasumi Higewake, who is also one of the graduants for the evening. The President of the Taylor’s Schools, Mr. Gan gave out the subject awards after the introductory speech from the Head of Secondary, Dr. Mason.  The presentation of the scrolls took place immediately after.

Our guest speaker of the evening was Datuk. N.K. Tong, who is also a GIS alumnus, shared an inspiring speech that resonated coincidentally with Mrs. Lawrence’s speech – on continuous learning, growth and development. He has kept his speech relatively short as he stood between breaking fast and dinner for all those in attendance.

After dinner and the special award presentation, Mr. Walker gave a moving closing remark, followed by Mr. Gan thanking Mr. Walker for his contribution to the school and wishing him well for his future endeavours.\
