GIS Alumni Gathering in UK – 21st January 2016
To start the year off, GIS held the annual alumni gathering in London at Amba Hotel, Charing Cross.
It was an intimate gathering where ex-students and ex-teachers had the opportunity to catch up with one another.
Throughout the night, many wonderful ‘old’ and new stories were shared.
Present was also acting Principal Colter Watt who had a great time sharing current news of Garden International School with the alumni. Current staff from GIS were happy to hear about their lives in UK, some are currently studying, some just got married and some growing their careers, making a mark in the world and truly being an effective global citizen.
Half way through the night we asked some of the alumni to use one word to describe GIS and the most popular words used were Community, Family, Holistic, Amazing, Memorable, Unique Culture and Lifelong Friends. Everyone of them holds a special memory of GIS close to their heart.
Alumni gatherings not only brings us down memory lane but also allows us creates new memories with one another. It is at gatherings like this that makes us appreciate the friendship and relationship we have all built in GIS.
All in all, it was great night of laughter and reminiscing and we look forward to more gatherings in the future. The next GIS Alumni Gathering will in Kuala Lumpur.