Dr. Lum returns and shares his experience

One of our valued alumni members – Dr. Ying Wei LUM (Class of 1997) returns to share valuable tips and advice about studying medicine as a career.

Dr. Lum was aspire to become a doctor since young, mainly because he was inspired by his father (who is also a surgeon) to pursue a career in medicine. Naturally, after graduating from GIS, he took up A-levels with Taylor’s and moved on to International Medical University. After that he continued in Jefferson Medical College in the United States. Today, he is a Vascular Surgeon, Assistant Professor with John Hopkins Medical Institution in Baltimore, USA as well as a Section Director for Anatomy, Perdana University Graduate School of Medicine in Malaysia.

He shared his journey with the Year 12 and Year 13 students who are interested in following his path into medicine. Some of his valuable advice include “be prepared to work very hard and sacrifice some things in life, always remember to maintain a balance and enjoy life at the same time.” He also left the students with these final words which he picked up from his mentor: “if you are passionate in what you do, you will never work a single day in your life!”

After the talk, Dr. Lum also spent some time touring the school and catching up with his tutors like Ms. Nair, Mrs. Lim, Ms. Yap and a few others. Going through the school definitely brought back some great memories and he was also in awe with the renovations and upgrades the school has gone through since he left quite some time ago.

A big THANK YOU goes out to Dr. Lum for taking the time out of his busy schedule and spending it with our students. They are definitely looking forward to hearing more from him when he returns next year.





