Marsha Aswani (Class of 2010) – DEDICATION MESSAGE

After leaving GIS 7 years ago, life began and thus far many opportunities have presented themselves to get me where I am in my life today and I couldn’t be any happier. so a big THANK YOU to all the teachers that I’ve had throughout my Life in GIS since 1999. Every one of them shaped me to be the person I am today and it is because of them that I stepped out of my comfort zone to claim what I wanted in life. Ms. Kaur, Mr. Mah, Ms. Jones, Mr. Springall, Ms. Cheah, Mr. Wellington, Mr. Deeth, Mrs. Wilson – and many more. They taught me that life wouldn’t feed me with a silver spoon and that I had to work to achieve my goals. The teachers I’ve had prepared me for life outside of school yet they also made highschool amazing and a time to always cherish. I appreciate every single one of them so a big THANK YOU to you; for I wouldn’t be who I am and where I am in life today if not for you.
