GIS Parent Alumni: Mrs Sunandhini Pattabhiraman!

We have had many Parent Alumni since the school opened in 1951, and all of them have played an important role in our school’s development. In order to help recognise their special contributions to our school, we are introducing a new spotlight series for our parent alumni – just a small gesture to recognise and thank parents for their impact on our GIS community.  

We are fortunate to have been connected with Mrs Sunandhini, classical music and dance enthusiast, music therapist and qualified Chartered Accountant, who is also the doting mother of two of our alumni – Nina Kriti Pattabhiraman (Class of 2013) and Pranetr Pattabhiraman (Class of 2016). 


Mrs Sunandhini, why did you choose GIS? 

When we moved from Sri Lanka in 2008, GIS was our preferred choice for a number of reasons: following the British curriculum meant the children could transition easily from their previous school and a single campus for both children was also appealing. Of course, besides these logistical factors, we knew that GIS was one of the top schools in KL, with a holistic approach to learning, and so we were confident that our children would receive a well-rounded education.


What are some of your favourite memories as a GIS parent? 

I have many, but to spell out a few of them: I loved attending the musical productions, as well as  the Christmas carol concerts which were truly memorable. I never missed a single one through all the years! I even continued to attend them for a few years after both my children left GIS for university. The formal graduation dinners were great events too; they were very well organised and I always looked forward to attending them. Thinking of them now brings back good memories.  


What are some of the other ways you have been involved over the years? 

I have maintained a long lasting relationship with the Music department, even after my children graduated. I very much enjoyed singing with the GIS Community Choir, and in 2015, when my son was in the Sixth Form, I was able to provide an opportunity for the music department to participate in an International Music Therapy Conference that was being held in KL. Mrs Long, along with a team of about fifteen students, attended the conference that took place over a weekend. The Latin Jazz band even gave a performance at the conference!


How did the GIS experience impact your children, and what are they doing now?

I should admit that we got more than what we expected when we chose GIS for our children. The exposure that they got to different cultures from around the world has helped them tremendously: they are truly global citizens now. The skills they learnt, through activities like the Model United Nations or organising MUFTI day, has stood them in good stead. They have imbibed values such as compassion and empathy, thanks to the Reach Out and Discovery Week programmes. Academic excellence was made that much easier to achieve, given the set of brilliant teachers.

My daughter, Nina Kriti Pattabhiraman, went on to study Medicine at the University of Leicester, UK. She will be starting her role as Speciality Registrar (Accident and Emergency Unit) at the Bradford Royal Infirmary, UK from August 2020.  

My son, Pranetr Pattabhiraman, has just completed his Masters in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cambridge, UK. 


Any last words about GIS? 

Our journey with GIS has been a memorable one in so many ways! We are proud to be alumni parents, as much as GIS would be proud of our children as their Alumni. We wish everyone at GIS the very best always!



We at GIS Alumni Office would like to thank Mrs Sunandhini for sharing her GIS journey with us  and wish her and family all the best in their future endeavors. Calling all the GIS Parent Alumni out there to share your journey after GIS as your stories could always give an idea what it is to be like in the GIS community and also could  inspire our new or potential parents to enroll their kids at GIS for world class education.

