We are delighted to feature another successful Alumnus in sports, Elliot Tabraham-Dowers, from the GIS class of 2012.
Tell us about your job!
In January 2018, I started a new job in Germany with Race Result AG, one of the leading producers of sports timing hardware and software. Before this, I worked as a race timer for one of the UK’s largest sports timing companies, where we were essentially responsible for producing and publishing the times and results for a huge range of events – from local 5km runs to international ski-mountaineering events and ironman triathlons. Through my work, I have been fortunate enough to travel to Australia, China, Dubai, Qatar, USA and across Europe. My new role has given me great exposure to the market, and added some new challenges, including hosting live YouTube webinars and creating more opportunities for product testing.
Can you share with us some of your memories of GIS?
I can still remember my first day at GIS vividly! Having moved between a few schools before, I was prepared to be the “new kid”, but was quickly welcomed by my GIS classmates and settled in fast. The whole atmosphere within the school was so much more positive than I had experienced anywhere else, which made every day more enjoyable. I look back on my time at GIS very fondly.
How did your time at GIS help you on your chosen career path?
I actually started my career whilst still a student at GIS! I helped Neil Smith, the then Head of Primary, in running a very successful aquathlon event in 2011. I remember afterwards having a short debrief with him, where I naively said I would like to help organize the next event! We then went on to organize the Nexus International School Triathlon in 2011, as well as a series of other school triathlons and other events, until I left Malaysia in 2016. This experience has proved invaluable in my professional career to date.
What sports were you active in at GIS?
To be honest, I wasn’t active in a huge number of sports in school myself. My main sport was cycling, and GIS encouraged me to take part in a few local track cycling competitions. I did join the Rugby team for a year, something I had played a bit before coming to GIS, and took part in Cross-Country – although I do confess I am not a runner and will now only run for the tram if I’m running late in the morning! My main involvement in sports at GIS was assisting in coaching the Primary Multisport CCA, which was a very rewarding experience. It is wonderful to see how some of these young athletes have now progressed.
What would be your advice to our current students?
I would encourage students to pursue their passion, whatever it may be! There is a job out there to suit everyone, and I’ve seen a number of classmates go on to successful careers in industries which they wouldn’t have considered just a few years ago. Everyone should make the most of the opportunities that GIS offers – it really is unmatched by any other school I had attended before. I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today without the opportunities given to me and support I received at GIS.
Any messages for the GIS Community?
I would like to thank everybody who helped me along the way and supported me through the highs and lows. It inspires me every day to see how far some of my fellow classmates and other students have come since school, and I am proud to call myself a GIS alumnus!