A Surprise for Mrs. Helen Lopez (Ms. Mukherjee)

Mrs. Helen Lopez or also fondly known as Ms. Murkherjee had a surprise farewell session organised by her current students. Students thought it would be great to also invite her former students to share a few words about their years with her. It was a bitter sweet occasion and heartfelt moment for Mrs. Lopez, alumni and current students as they say their goodbye and wish her well for the future.
Mrs. Lopez’s former students from the 1980’s together with her current students also presented her with a scrap book of pictures and messages of the time they spent with her. Mrs. Lopez will continue to positively influence people that she is in contact with even after retirement. She would like to dedcate her time to support her church, bible studies and volunteer at a shelter for trafficked women. Trying out new recipes, going for walks and find time to travel too.

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