Disney-style song called ‘Oasis’ by Alumna Katrina Roshan

Alumna Kat Roshan, Class of 2020 is now based in California where she is currently studying at Idyllwild Arts Academy. Although aiming to read Psychology at university next year, she continues to write music and has recently released a Disney-style song called ‘Oasis’.  

Click this link to watch this music video by Kat: https://youtu.be/ySJ67GVIcX4 and this link if you would like to see Kat’s work: https://katroshan.com/

Kat has also recently recorded 2 new EDM tracks produced by Billboard #1 songwriter and producer Richard Harris which are due for release later this year/ early 2022. 


Kat, please tell us more about your recent song ‘Oasis’?

So ‘Oasis’ was written at the start of 2021 during lockdown after I had read the cult novel ‘The Alchemist’ which I found inspiring. The lyrics are about a journey through the Saharan Desert searching for your destiny and following your dreams. 

It started out as just a piano and acoustic guitar arrangement but the further down the line the production went it started to sound more and more Disney-like so we decided to score a full 40-piece string orchestra to build the atmosphere and listening experience. The orchestra ended up being too overpowering initially so I had to retrain my voice before final mastering to match the balance in the song. This was the toughest track I have recorded vocally so far.


What are your future plans?

I am currently completing my final year of American High School. My academics are also twinned with a singer-songwriter course where I get to collaborate with other artists in different musical genres, as well as learn more about the overall production process from composition to mastering. Having been in lockdown for so long, it is also nice now to be getting up on stage and performing music. 

Academically, I plan to major in Psychology in California next year – perhaps at UCLA or USC who also have excellent music programmes. Musically, I have no fixed plans or goals other than to continue to write music as best as I can. I have recently pitched music to a variety of music supervisors here in Los Angeles with the aim of sync-licensing some tracks for TV and film so hopefully, something will come of that. A Director for a film company has also recently made contact with potentially being involved in composing part of the soundtrack for a movie that starts shooting next summer. I’m really excited about that, but it’s still early days so I can’t say too much more about it at the moment! 


A huge ‘Thank You’ to Katrina Roshan for sharing her exciting journey with us. We wish you all the best with your future career!

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