Sherine Rachel Abraham (Class of 2015)
Final Year Biochemistry Undergraduate Student, University of Melbourne
Well done to our Alumna Sherine Rachel Abraham, who was interviewed as a ‘Woman in STEM’ at the University of Melbourne recently due to her involvement and contribution to the university community, as well as her approach to a holistic development in education and advocacy for human rights and social work.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education is integral in preparing current students with the essential skills and knowledge for building the networked society. STEM underpins the future economy, as recognised by the Australian Government’s National Innovation and Science Agenda. STEM at the University of Melbourne mostly captures the OUTSTANDING FEMALE students, staff and alumni making a difference in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine.
Sherine is currently a third year Biomedicine student who has been able to combine her love for Spanish and Latin American studies, and her passion for social work, with her goals to work in public health in developing nations.
Let’s hear from Sherine about her experience as a female STEM student at the University of Melbourne…
The University of Melbourne prides itself with the Melbourne Model – a course structure tailored to allow students to delve into interests beyond your academic pursuit in order to bring diversity and versatility to the workforce. The calibre of research, the ease of accessibility to leading research laboratories and the passion each and every one of my lecturers have contribute to the dynamic environment of the university. I also find that there has been quite an equal divide between our male and female lecturers delivering subject content, which provides a lot of female students with role models to aspire towards in the STEM industry.
A few words from Sherine….
‘I attribute my successes in my educational pursuit to the foundation that’s been rooted in me through my journey with GIS. The very nature of GIS’s approach to education meant that we were constantly disrupting the conventional approach to education through the myriad of opportunities available to us. The greatest discoveries never came from remaining in your comfort zone, and this philosophy encouraged me to reach out to the community and take on roles that nurtured skills beyond those that were employed in a classroom. GIS championed a holistic approach to education that’s molded me into a versatile individual ready to face the real world.’
Please click here to read the full article about Sherine Abraham.